Saturday 15 September 2012

Jammu And Kashmir Culture and Beauty

Hi everyone, Today I am sharing the details of Jammu and Kashmir culture and beauty with you. I wish you will like this.

Jammu and Kashmir(India)

J & K is one of the beautiful state of India. We can say it a heaven of earth. Kashmir, a region of the South Asian subcontinent northwest (western Tibetan Plateau and north of the junction of South Asia), who has a state of British India. Area of 220,000 8,478 square kilometers. Historically, the word "Kashmir" originally referred to the most western end of the Himalayas a canyon. The main Kashmir valley, lower altitude, fertile soil, mountains, rivers, picturesque, exotic folk customs, is the most densely populated areas in the region, most of them Muslim. Jammu residents are Hindus, Ladakh residents from cultural practices and Tibet is closer. Occupies half of the land of Kashmir's Ladakh region, the culture is mainly influenced by Tibet since the 13th century, were raised by the Muslim regime the Tibetan regime and India control, since sovereignty is still controversial. East Ladakh in Kashmir only account for a small portion of the residents almost all Tibetan. Western shooting movies reflect Tibet will rise to Ladakh take location. Srinagar (Srinagar) Kashmir maharaja capital of British India period, an altitude of 1,600 meters, is located in the region's biggest of Wuhu pull lakeside, is a famous summer resort, is now the capital of the Indian-controlled Kashmir.
Culture and Beauty The lifestyle of the people of Kashmir is the simplicity of the differences for religious tolerance, and progress more slowly than that of outside pace (as well as lifestyle for a long time have not changed much). The residents mostly preferences peace diverse culture reflected in various religions. Simplicity of their lives, they will be away from the weekday dull life, only tribal Feasts. Kashmir preferences of various music and famous men and women wearing the colors are very bright. Kashmir Waratah (Wattal) men performing the famous dance of local independence, Kazakhstan ((Dumhal), local women performing another folk dance deer Ephesians (Rouff). Kashmir has already superb art known for centuries, including poetry and handicrafts.
By Sufi deeply influenced Islam in Kashmir, which makes Islam with other South Asian region orthodox Sunni and Shiite. Kashmir due to the inclusion of the cultural history is known, which is reflected in the Kashmir doctrine "(Kashmiriyat), The 1969 NATO nuclear arms reductions peace treaty is the embodiment of that doctrine. Kashmir's economy is basically agriculture as the core. Economy will bring points in history, once world famous Kashmir Cashmere wool is exported to various countries and regions of the world. Kashmiri people are weaving and manufacturing scarves, silk carpets, cushions, kurta, and pottery experts. Kashmir is the world's best saffron - Kashmir / Indian saffron, origin. Naturally grown fruits and vegetables as organic foods mainly exported to the Middle East. Fertile Kashmir valley is the economic mainstay of the Indian-controlled Kashmir. The region sericulture industry and other agricultural products such as apples, pears, and many temperate fruits such as nuts famous. Kashmir pilgrimage became a popular tourist destination since the early 20th century. Due to weather factors (the Himalayas), a year in early June to early September, the mild climate and the season before open road access, so this area yet retain the style of the original is not contaminated, it can be said is the real world of Shangri-La.
Really lovely place in India. I like Jammu and Kashmir very much.

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