Thursday 2 October 2014

Best ten tourist places at Jaipur, Rajasthan

After long time I am posting this post. I was busy preparing some exam.
Today I am going to tell you the full detail of tourist places at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. This place is better known as PINK CITY. Top ten tourist places at Jaipur are described below:-

1. City Palace: City Palace have everything related to Rajput, Mughaland and European architect that make it something wonderful. City Palace was the home of the king Sawai Maan Singh, is somehow different from all the forts of Jaipur. It shares the part of the art gallery, marble pillars and carved interiors. It consist of all things that are something interesting to see. 
2. Jantar Mantar Fort: Jantar Mantar is best knows as the place of astronomical instruments. It was built by the king Jai Singh III of Jaipur. All the instruments in Jantar Mantar shares a particular attribute that helps in astronomical measurement. It is built by stones and marbles and designed better.

3. Amber fort: This fort have a good place in the hearts of the local people.
Amber Fort witnessed an amazing history about the 
victory of Sawai MaanSingh and establishment of Mata temple in Amber Fort. The wonderful and stylish look force people to enjoy and feel the richness of the culture.

4. Jaigarh FortJaigarh Fort popularly known as victory fort and the king Sawai
Maan Singh III
 built this fort in order to protect the amber fort and the palace near it. The world’s largest canon on wheel is kept in nahargarh fort which embraces the pride and honour of the fort.

5. Nahargarh FortNahargarh fort may be called as one beautiful fort in the
region of Jaipur and it acted as one of the strong defense ring for the city of Jaipur during the ruling times of Sawai Man Singh. The view of the city from Nahargarh is fabulous and breathe taking.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Jammu and Kashmir Beautiful Places

Jammu and Kashmir(India)

Hi everyone, As in last post, I posted a blog on Jammu and Kashmir's culture and beauty. Today I am going to share information about Jammu and Kashmir's beautiful places to visit.

Xuanzang Silk Road line:

Kashmir ("Western Regions" for Buddha wet Mi Luo, Han, Wei, and Northern and Southern Dynasties for Kapisa) lasts between two hundred miles of mountains in the south-east. The Xuanzang climbing absolute peak, walk fly beam plank road, the Ja River formation of Ba Lula Canyon after crossing the line. After the line near the capital of the king sent for the Master to the palace to accept hospitality, random curtain church of, also sent twenty clerical staff copied Calligraphists by this. Xuanzang's a brief overview of the Buddha wet Mi Luo: This country is surrounded by mountains, Mountain is extremely Junqiao, narrow difficult exchanges Pass should Jia JI, rich floral, out Ryoma, saffron and herbs. Today, the red pistil purple saffron is still full of wilderness. As for the locals, "Local light ticket, many people scared and soft, looks Yan, deceit inert monk then said, Buddha wet Mi Luo" country for the dragon care then hung ortho environment.
Kashmir since been to the style of study heyday famous, Xuanzang also mentioned the Ashoka built here the four mortar Favorite Buddha relic. They said in the "Western", "Garan more than one hundred thousand people, monks" here, but the most unusual is that he met in a Mahayana monk (Niangaodeshao Tang Dynasty Dao Xuan `" Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks ", said The monks called winning the Master). The monks staged as early the above Vasubandhu Bodhisattva book "On the Abhidharma Jushe, afternoon curtain" along the positive theory "and" Jushe 'each other dialectically, about the statement (text of law) in the evening, the school due tomorrow (management ) and other worldly. This intellectual and spiritual challenge precisely Xuanzang wants. Xuanzang The monk enthusiasm. The intersection of the mind may be able to let us understand The Xuanzang why would be two years in Kashmir - May from AD 631 to 633 years.
Dal Lake
Dusk Dal Lake the day the most beautiful moment, enjoy the golden afterglow sprinkled on the surface of the water, with the dealings Xi Kala (Shikara), float to the surface layers of the ripples in the water making waves, you can arrayed Xi Kala 悠游 on Dal Lake ... You can also take a stroll in the banks of the Dal Lake, or find a place to sit down and locals Hala some ... I sat on the bank, let feet vacant swing .... watching the ripples in the lake since he he fall, enjoying the breeze in his face ... watching the smoke Huanhuandecong stove, up curls .... eating roast lamb, watching the setting sun is reflected from dusky sunset in the water, the Dal Lake at dusk, so comfortable. Like this is so beautiful situations, just like the the Pacific years of life, it is hard to associate and war. Heard that India will have elections, so India and Pakistan escalated, very nervous, a nuclear war will be commenced at any time, whether in urban areas or the suburbs, to diffuse the tension, the entire Kashmir region, four visible revolver India soldiers ... Kashmir is located in the northern Indian Himalayas ..... is Jammu (Jammu), Kashmir (Kashmir) and Ladakh composed. Kashmir has always been to the British colonial period, type of autonomy autonomy Hou. The independence of India and Pakistan in 1947, the British forces in the Indian mainland, but did not solve the issue of Kashmir attribution. Kashmir has about 80% Muslim, from about 1989 .... have been issued separate calls for gradually evolved into armed riot .... It was also the merger of propositions and the same Muslim Pakistan ... . So, India to prevent insurgency inside Kashmir and Pakistan to enter infringe ...... stationed in Kashmir, the army .... Its territory between India and Pakistan in order to compete for Kashmir, the two sides have fought a second war in 1948 and 1965, coupled with the Chinese Communists also inserted his foot near Ladakh near the territory occupied in 1962 . Drawn under the good offices of the United Nations in 1949, had given the armistice boundaries, 45% owned by India under the jurisdiction of, 34% owned by Pakistan in Kashmir, and the rest owned by the Chinese Communists, the territorial partition conventions situation continues to this day .... Indian-controlled Kashmir, although the attribution of India, but they very hate Indians, I cook, one comes to the Indians, they hate to teeth ... because the Indian occupation of their homes because of the shadow of war, making Kashmir hard times ... One night, during a meal, I secretly asked his views on Kashmir attribution. He said to me with a very firm tone: "India is India.
Jammu Museum
Amar Palace is a beautiful castle, as a continental-type castle. This palatial building in Tawi river bank building far you can see. This magnificent building was once the mansion of Raja Amar Singh, and Western-style castle is exactly the same items on display inside the museum now also colorful. This soongorica Shi Jiancheng beautiful palace is located in the picturesque city of Jammu them. The northern the Shivalik mountains of southern Tawi river, the palace is more forceful and beautiful. Here the museum exhibited a series of complete and magnificent the Canal. The most attractive is the throne of the 120 kg of pure gold. Douglas Museum: is located of Mubarak Mandi composite Palace Pink hall to display 800 pieces of rare and exquisite paintings from of Basuo Li, Jammu and Kang Gela different schools of thought. Gilded bows and arrows and some woodworking tools the Mughal king Shaha Ye Khan also accounted for a very important part. This museum is also the Persian Shah Nama and handwritten manuscript. However, the most striking is the Mirror Palace. The palace was the Douglas House and of the princes, is a group of buildings around a courtyard built up. When you board the temple overlooking the side of the Tawi River and on the other side of the entire city, panoramic view.
Vaishno Devi Temple:
In Telikuta hill in from Katla town, about 50 km (from Jammu) 13 km, is famous Marta. Vishnu Dave Goddess Temple. The Trinity God solely on behalf of the three forces - the creation, protection and destruction. The crystal clear water of the Ganges is flowing slowly from the soles of the feet of the goddess and over. Each year, about four million adherents to the pilgrimage here to pay homage here goddess. Is said to the believers all your wishes come true, no one spellbound. Legend Marta Vishnu David had come here for refuge, and begged penance. She was troubled by a devil - Baer En. Naxi. The devil took a fancy to her beauty and want to get her. Marta converted to Vishnu, which promised that one of his incarnations - Ram God will marry her, if Marta would like to continue penance. , But Baer En. Naxi been tracking traced her, which made her very angry, she incarnation for the destruction of God - Marta. Carrie kill the devil and ultimately stay in these mountains. It is said that if a person is not to go beyond 2 km Baer En. Varanasi temple worship of this man's pilgrimage is not complete. Baer En. Naxi the skull falls on that place. This place in addition to the sanctity of the surrounding scenery is beautiful - lush green forests, deep gorge of the secluded environment and gushing waterfalls.
Jammu Shrine:
Jammu temple City is very appropriate. It is the birthplace of the religion, its background seem to suggest that it is environmentally friendly in the arms of God. The Indian goddess bahu. Mata temple dedicated to Lord God - Jammu Cary goddess. It is also called the Babcock & Wilcox. Warri. Marta (Bawey Wali Mata), located within bahu Castle, the faithful flocked to Texas, pay homage goddesses. People here God after Marta Vishnu Goddess. In the heart of the city is Rugby Hu that West Temple, was built for the epic hero of Ramayana (Aries God). Collections made by several temples in northern India's largest composite Temple. The interior of a huge statue of, and countless Shiva statues. Beautiful temple compound, the typical architectural style of Kashmir, by Mahathir of Rajat. Gulab Singh built in the late 19th century by the son later succeeded to the throne is complete. , Kaikohe (The Pee Khoh), Pierre cave temple is known to naturally formed Shiva like. A little further away from the city center, can be described as the formation of the cave temple and mysterious. Legends these caves can pass from the underground to the many other temple, or even out of the country. But these have also been unable to crack the secret.(Rabieshwa) temple is named after its creator - Mahathir of Rajat. Ranbir Singh, built for Lord Shiva. This temple was built in the late 19th century, is known to 7.5 feet tall Shiva statue and other crystal like 12 feet high. Other important temples there the Lakshmi. Nalayaen (Lakshmi Naaya) temples, monasteries the Duddar. Dahe Li (Duda Dhai) and Pan Yi (Paj) Temple. Lord God of Jammu bahu. Marta; the Jammu Guardian Pierce Baba. Jammu people believe that the Holy Spirit Bude Han Ali Shah in De Jiahe, usually known as Pierre Baba guarded the city from various scourge. Legend Pierre. Baba milk alone live 500 years. People think he is a good friend of the Sikh missionaries guru
Really lovely place in India. I like Jammu and Kashmir very much. All these are very beautiful places in Jammu & Kashmir.

Jammu And Kashmir Culture and Beauty

Hi everyone, Today I am sharing the details of Jammu and Kashmir culture and beauty with you. I wish you will like this.

Jammu and Kashmir(India)

J & K is one of the beautiful state of India. We can say it a heaven of earth. Kashmir, a region of the South Asian subcontinent northwest (western Tibetan Plateau and north of the junction of South Asia), who has a state of British India. Area of 220,000 8,478 square kilometers. Historically, the word "Kashmir" originally referred to the most western end of the Himalayas a canyon. The main Kashmir valley, lower altitude, fertile soil, mountains, rivers, picturesque, exotic folk customs, is the most densely populated areas in the region, most of them Muslim. Jammu residents are Hindus, Ladakh residents from cultural practices and Tibet is closer. Occupies half of the land of Kashmir's Ladakh region, the culture is mainly influenced by Tibet since the 13th century, were raised by the Muslim regime the Tibetan regime and India control, since sovereignty is still controversial. East Ladakh in Kashmir only account for a small portion of the residents almost all Tibetan. Western shooting movies reflect Tibet will rise to Ladakh take location. Srinagar (Srinagar) Kashmir maharaja capital of British India period, an altitude of 1,600 meters, is located in the region's biggest of Wuhu pull lakeside, is a famous summer resort, is now the capital of the Indian-controlled Kashmir.
Culture and Beauty The lifestyle of the people of Kashmir is the simplicity of the differences for religious tolerance, and progress more slowly than that of outside pace (as well as lifestyle for a long time have not changed much). The residents mostly preferences peace diverse culture reflected in various religions. Simplicity of their lives, they will be away from the weekday dull life, only tribal Feasts. Kashmir preferences of various music and famous men and women wearing the colors are very bright. Kashmir Waratah (Wattal) men performing the famous dance of local independence, Kazakhstan ((Dumhal), local women performing another folk dance deer Ephesians (Rouff). Kashmir has already superb art known for centuries, including poetry and handicrafts.
By Sufi deeply influenced Islam in Kashmir, which makes Islam with other South Asian region orthodox Sunni and Shiite. Kashmir due to the inclusion of the cultural history is known, which is reflected in the Kashmir doctrine "(Kashmiriyat), The 1969 NATO nuclear arms reductions peace treaty is the embodiment of that doctrine. Kashmir's economy is basically agriculture as the core. Economy will bring points in history, once world famous Kashmir Cashmere wool is exported to various countries and regions of the world. Kashmiri people are weaving and manufacturing scarves, silk carpets, cushions, kurta, and pottery experts. Kashmir is the world's best saffron - Kashmir / Indian saffron, origin. Naturally grown fruits and vegetables as organic foods mainly exported to the Middle East. Fertile Kashmir valley is the economic mainstay of the Indian-controlled Kashmir. The region sericulture industry and other agricultural products such as apples, pears, and many temperate fruits such as nuts famous. Kashmir pilgrimage became a popular tourist destination since the early 20th century. Due to weather factors (the Himalayas), a year in early June to early September, the mild climate and the season before open road access, so this area yet retain the style of the original is not contaminated, it can be said is the real world of Shangri-La.
Really lovely place in India. I like Jammu and Kashmir very much.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Seven Wonders in India

Hi everyone, I think all of you know about seven wonders of world. But do you all know seven wonders of India? If not, Then this post will give you the complete details about seven wonders in India.

Taj Mahal (Agra)

Taj Mahal in Agra, northern suburb of Yamuna (Yamuna River) River, child empire Mogul Shah Jahan, the fifth monarch of great love building to commemorate its Aifei Mumtaz Mahal (Shah Jahan). Taj mahal is one of the seven wonders of world.
Beautiful love legend Sharjah Khan recognized the story of of Mutai Ji (Mumtaz) is a legend. It is said that the Sharjah Khan, father Jahan Kat the Emperor Hounuerjia Khan is Mutai Kyi's aunt. Mutai Kyi is a real beauty of Persian descent, gentle temperament, good lute painting. When she was 19 years old and married the Jahan Kyrgyzstan King Prince ─ ─ with a 19-year-old Curran. Mutai Kyi is the fourth wife of Curran, Curran only marriage combined love. Marriage Houmu Tai Ji and Prince Curran through thick and thin, go hand and footprints all over the battlefield. In 1628, Curran inherit the throne after a bloody battle, give themselves Mingsha Jia Khan, meaning the king of the world. Mutai Kyi, formerly known as Ah Ji Man ‧ Ballet slaves, and therefore get the highest title of the palace - of Mutai Ji ‧ Mahar (Mumtaz Mahal; Mum is a beautiful meaning, Taz is the crown, and Mahal is a palace), which means she The beauty of a leader in the palace. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and in 1631, Mutai Kyi following the Sharjah Khan Nanzheng died giving birth at age 39. Married 19 years, Mutai Kyi Sharjah Khan gave birth to 14 children, surviving only four men and three women. Mutai Kyi's death, the Sharjah Khan heartbroken. Before his death, Mutai Kyi Khan Sharjah longer second wife, and treat all children and a monumental building built for her. In order to to Mutai Kyi wish Sharjah Khan decided for the construction of one of the most beautiful in the world mausoleum Chongfei to table her thoughts of love. At the same time, he ordered court mourning for her two-year ban on all entertainment activities. Founded in 1631, the Taj Mahal and Shah Jahan got from home and abroad (or captured) top architects and workers match to mobilize twenty thousand workers, depleted treasury of gold and silver wealth, which lasted 22 set out, just to complete this stunning masterpiece. Legend Shah Jahan in order so that future generations will no longer appear an equally beautiful buildings, after the completion of the Taj Mahal, the architects' eyes are blinded. Taj Mahal cemetery covers an area of ​​about 60,000 square meters, the entrance is south of the 60-meter-high gatehouse, gatehouse mainly to soongorica Shi Jiancheng, and together with the white marble lotus pattern decorative. Through the gatehouse, they reach a length of about two hundred meters of garden, two elongate the middle of the garden pond, we often see the reflection of the Taj Mahal pool "model photos" is at shooting. Marble platform in the middle of the two pools, plus two perpendicular to the waterways of the pool, the garden is divided into four parts, and Islam lucky numbers. Every day number of visitors come here, they like the beauty of Taj Mahal. If you will come in India. You should visit this lovely place.

Bahubali Gomateshwara

Bahubali Gomateshwara is also one amoung the seven wonders of India. The hill called Shravanabelagola Bahubali Gomateshwara statue is located in Hassan District, Karnataka, India, a huge statue of a granite carved by Chamundaraya investment and carved statues.The statue was built in AD 978 to AD 1993 completion, 17 meters high, 30 kilometers away can still see the solemn statue, the statue in 2008, India voted assessed to be the first of India's seven wonders. Bahubali Gomateshwara statue the Mahamastakabhisheka festival held once every 12 years, the festival will host a ceremony, such as milk, curd, ghee and other statues body and put in his shrine at the foot of some saffron, gold coins, etc., on behalf of the statues will pourthe revered meaning. Was last held in 2006 Mahamastakabhisheka festival will be held in 2018, after 12 years, interested readers may wish to can then visit the grand celebration of 12 years in India.

Golden Temple Amritsar

Golden Temple is again a very devotional place and is selected among seven wonders of India. This is in Amritsar, Punjab. People from many countries come here and worship in this temple. As   Mecca is to Muslims, the Golden Temple is a Sikh. The temple, whose construction began in the 16th century, to life as a place where people from all walks of life can come and worship God. The temple is one of the world's most acute spiritual destination, you'll know why as long as you see it the golden dome of the central Amu Li solemnly raised. Name from the city of San pool, or nectar, surrounded by lofty Temple reflects yellow light, rebound Harmandir Sahib gilded wall of the pool. The white marble pathway the sacred tanks surrounded the entire causeway result on the two-tier Domed Monastery water tourists. The inside of the house is the worship pattern tourists dazzled by the colorful decorative marble on the walls and ceilings. Those who enter was struck by the building echoed melodious prayer impressed. The temple is open to visitors all day and all night. Do not forget to take off your shoes. Even I visited this place many time, I find a devotion and peace here.


Nalanda, according to historical records, Nalanda was founded in the 5th century AD. Highest Indian Buddhist universities and academic centers of the ancient, ancient Magadha, Rajgir near Patna, India Bihar Central will today southeast 90 km. The Nalanda scale, there have been as many as 900 million volumes of books, Chronicles scholars of giving birth, when the height thousand monks and scholars gathered here, Xuan Zang in the years to learn from the Master Ring Yin, Yi Jing in this treasure teacher the child learn decade; Moreover Master Buddhist monk Hui industry, Ling Yun Xuan according tract hope, Dawson, Mahayana lights, Tao Lin, Tomohiro, no line. Beginning in 1861, the Nalanda monastery ruins have been excavated, eight large monasteries have been excavated, four medium-sized temple and a small temple. Eight major of Nalanda ruins of Temple-line north-south direction, the door to the west. Odera 9 monk room on each side, just as described in Yi Jing, each side in the Temple 7 monk room, a small temple on each side 5 Monk room. In 1861, British archaeologist Alexander Cunningham found here a Buddhist ruins after a records check with the Buddhist Records prove that this is the Nalanda. Unearthed exquisite Buddhist stone carvings, some stone carving only the size of a fist, engraved Buddhist stories are incredibly delicate and beautiful. Also unearthed a bronze statue, copper coil and seal, which one engraved with "Room Lee Nalanda Maha adjacent blame Luo Sangha India". Most of the archaeological finds are exhibitions in Nalanda opposite the museum. Nalanda excavation area now has more than 150,000 square meters. Nalanda is divided into the the abbey area and teaching area. The monastery area by roughly similar courtyard, a total of 12. Around each courtyard lined with narrow cramped Sengfang, stone table, wells and kitchen in the courtyard, each courtyard corridor leading to the outside. Teaching area temples and pagodas. Buddha temple studying Buddhist scriptures. Scattered around many pagodas Mami Shelifota the most momentum, the tower is divided into three layers, the appearance of carved exquisite pattern turret alcove carved Buddha in Bodhgaya, Rajgir and Sarnath Kobo story. Very nice place to visit in India. This place is one of the seven wonders of India.

Konark Sun Temple (Orrisa)

I have visited many places in India. Konark Sun Temple is one of the greatest and lovely place among them. Also this Konark Sun Temple is one of the seven wonders on India. If you come here, don't forget to visit this place. In India there are seven temple Konark Sun Temple, one of the most devotional and prominent. This Sun Temple is located in the Indian state of Orissa, Konark Sun Temple is one of the oldest temples in India, an amazing and vivid example of Orissan architecture. It can be traced back to the 13th century, is by King Narasimhadeva I sign of the victory of the Muslim invaders. Konark Sun Temple is dedicated to the sun god, also known as the "Black Tower" is known for. Is located at the distance of 35 km, in the holy city from Orissa's Puri, Konark Sun Temple is a must see in the proprietor India Tour.
Konark Sun Temple Its name comes from the combination of two words. "Lever" in a corner, "Ark" is the sun, which means "the angle of the sun. Konark Sun Temple, the entire structure with 12 huge wheels (equivalent to a few months of the year), seven horses (only one remains unchanged), driven by celestial chariot. Konark Sun Temple in ruins today, bravely, a wonderful architecture. Archaeologists can easily pick up the story of unparalleled art carved in stone. Each stone has a story to tell to the splendor of the bygone era. It took 12 years, 12,000 artisans to create this magnificent masterpiece of medieval times.
Best Time To Visit
The best time of the visit to Konark winter period from October to March. Summer is too hot, monsoon cyclone easily. The best time for sightseeing tourists like Temple in the winter. Visitors can also combine the Konark Dance Festival, which is held in the winter, in order to attract more tourists to visit. This festival is in the temple open hosted the Natya Deere (dance halls). Konark Temple of the Sun at the time during the holiday season, night lights, the music and dance of the glow.

Khajuraho (MP)

One another wonderful place is Khajuraho in Madhya Pradesh. This is included in seven wonders of India.    Khajuraho temple architecture in India has always maintained a unique position. It is built the Luo dynasty, Zhan on behalf of several generations pull its Pute king under the auspices of, only with a surprisingly short 100 years - from AD 950 to 1050. Today, the original 85 temples only 22 after the destruction of time preserved.   Khajuraho was built in the 10th-11th century was the "moon dynasty" Chandra dynasty (ChandelaDynasty), the capital. It belongs to check Ta Puer County, Madhya Pradesh, India, near Jaipur and Delhi. Many temple is one of India's main tourist attraction. 1986 UNESCO column protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List.
Historical View
Khajuraho was built in the 10th-11th century, is the capital of the heyday of the Chandra dynasty (ChandellaDynasty, 950-1203). Grams long pull "the word is the meaning of the coconut, a thousand years ago, where rich coconut. Chandra dynasty known as the "moon dynasty circulating month God legend. Legendary Khajuraho man named Na Lesi priests, beauty gave birth to a daughter, alerted the Moon. Luna give up the identity of the gods to earth girl fall in love, and told the girl she will be born the son of a brave and valiant, and multiply into a great nation. Later, the girls really gave birth to a son, also flourished many children and grandchildren. So, today Khajuraho residents call themselves Luna offspring. Khajuraho is a the dynasty era popular Indian esoteric, also known as the center of the spread of the the Tan Duoluo teach (Tantfism). Tan Duoluo teach about the 5th to the 9th century when derived from Hinduism, mainly to promote sexual religious thought. Khajuraho temple is held Tan Duoluo the carnival ceremony establishments worship.

Red Fort Lal Qila

Red Fort, Delhi is one of the best historical place in India. That is why it is included in seven wonders of India. I really like the constructional design of this historical place. Shah Jahan, the fifth emperor of the Mughal Empire capital from Agra and moved to Delhi, own name Delhi renamed as Shah Jahan Bard, which is now Old Delhi. The Red Fort is the place in the center, built in 1639 to 1648, as the front of the name, the walls all painted in red. Chandni opposite pull together gate (Lahore Gate) is an arched Commercial Street. Go down within a public audience with the palace (Diwan-i-Am). The positive height a throne. Above inlaid with rubies, emeralds, emeralds and other precious stones. The Delves walk Yamuna River behind the VIP audience with the palace Diwan-i-Khas, Rang Mahal, Khas Mahal Palace. Moti Mahal is the emperor to church and built. The place of women living in the palace later became the residence of the British soldiers, and now as the Red Fort Archaeological Museum (Red Fort Museum of Archaeol-ogy) exhibited some paintings of the Mughal period, and weapons. Had the poem wrote: "If there is a heaven on earth, heaven here." Acura is building. But from the sixth emperor of the Mughal Empire, the country began to decline, territorial local forces and the British carved up. Anti-British uprising in India in 1857 to rebuild the Mughal Empire, the ethnic rebel army and the British in this fierce fighting, gorgeous palace devastated. Can now see only the residual part of the time. Every year on August 15 (Independence Day), to be held in the large memorial to miss the past glory of the empire. Open Day: Sunrise to Sunset Closed: Monday Admission: $ 2 (Rs 100). With the camera you need to add 25 rupees to the ticket office next to the Lahore Gate.
These are the seven wonders of India. If u visit India, Do visit to these places, it will be a great journey for you. I really like these places.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Ten Best Cities To Visit In India

Hi readers, in this post I am taking you to a beautiful tour of North Indian Cities. My experience of visiting these cities is wonderful, I enjoyed very much in North Indian Tours. This North Indian tour, I visited these best cities of north India. The complete detail is given below. Hope you will like it. Speaking of India, and most people think of huge castles, palaces and temples with bright colors and rich history. North India is such a place. Must-see North India Tourist Attractions, allowing you a taste of India mysterious history and beauty of India. Here is the details:

Delhi (Delhi)

Delhi, the capital of India, is you came from another country must pass through to enter India. Delhi Airport has completed the renovation and upgrades, to become India's largest airport, and you, in this land. Delhi is full of the ancient past, but at the same time, but also highlight the future of modern India. Delhi is divided into two parts; messy Old Delhi, as well as an orderly, well-planned in New Delhi. Both sides are closely linked, but like two completely different worlds. Full of fascinating mosques, security barrier, and those who have occupied the city of the Mogul empire children's ruins. A lot of these places have beautiful landscaped gardens, allows you to relax and take.

Jaipur (Rajasthan)

Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan (Rajasthan); very popular tourist attractions of India. City 150 years ago were all painted pink, so the pink city known for. Important attractions of Jaipur including palaces, castles, and many relics of the past.

Varanasi (UP)

And one of the best Indian devotional, Varanasi (Varanasi), is a country with an ancient history of sacred Indian cities. Here is the creation and Lord of Destruction - Shiva (Lord Shiva) cities, people believe that the death of this man, freed from reincarnation. Even bath in the Ganges cleanses all sins. This mysterious city's charm lies in the many riverside Ghat (ghat) can see his ceremony. We strongly recommend that you lived in a hotel overlooking the Ganges, absolutely memorable. Do not miss a night, constant sur ritual Aarti ceremony


Udaipur is said to the most romantic city in India, this is absolutely true! Who can resist the alluring ancient houses, overlooking a vast lake, beautiful gardens, the complex of temples, and huge palace. Town Hall is located on the eastern shore of Lake Pichola, Udaipur, simply let visitors captivated. City Hall's exquisite architecture, both the construction of the Rajput army, with the Mogul children style decorating tips. Mewar royal family still living in some of them! Who can forget the world-renowned Udaipur Lake Palace, as if floating on Lake Pichola, like a fairy tale world scene.


Jaisalmer is often considered romantic scene in the Arab Arabian Nights. This sounds like a cliche, but how to describe the establishment of sandstone city in Rajasthan (Rajasthan) on the desert? Jaisalmer, fascinating ancient castle, built in 1156, stands on a high platform overlooking the entire city. The interior is bright and vibrant. Contains five palaces, several temples, as well as some exquisite havelis (old houses), as well as shops, and some homes. The world's largest living castle, it was a memorable experience. Mountain the Mu Shaqiu near vegetarian desert Seoul is India's most famous Camel Safari location.

Agra (UP)

Failed to visit the Taj Mahal (Taj Mahal), then it is a great regret to India. After all, the Taj Mahal, India's most famous attractions, but also the most easily identified. Dreams camel stands in the River Yamuna (Yamuna River), a rich history dating back to 1630 AD. In fact, here is the mausoleum of the Mogul Er Huangdi Shah Jahan wife Mumtaz Mahal. Marble, it took 22 years and 20,000 workers who are complete. Text cannot fully describe the Taj Mahal, you have to go and look at those delicate beauty. One of the most haggard people, is where the color with the time of day changes


Completely different from the other Indian temple city, the temple city of Khajuraho, independent of religion, worship and gods. Conversely, full of erotic carvings on the walls of the temples of Khajuraho. Building a combination of science and art, these ten to eleven century behind the temple has a Chandra dynasty (Chandela dynasty) interesting legend. Said, because of the passion and sexual desire, Luna lure named Hemvati beautiful Brahmin girl, and gave birth to Chandravarman (the Chandra dynasty Creator). The later, Chandravarman dreamed that his mother wanted him to build a revealed to the temples of passion and erotic fantasies.


Amritsar, Punjab (Punjab), commercial and cultural center. Sikhism (Sikh religion) the spiritual and cultural center, is also home Harmandir Sahib, also known as the Golden Temple (Golden Temple). Remember to enjoy the night ceremony at the border with Pakistan Wagha Border march to commemorate the 1919 Amritsar massacre (Amritsar Massacre) Jallian Wala Bagh Square.


One of the beautiful places in North India, Shimla is a hill station, where you will see the natural beauty of India. There are numerous very lovely places to see in Shimla. Like Gothic Christ Church, Kali Bari Temple, Jakhoo Hills, Scandal Point, Mall Road, State Museum, Prospect Hills, Kotgarh, Rampur, Narkanda, Chindi and many more. I really enjoyed this places in Shimla.
I really love this great journey of India. As a tourist, I like India as a country of beauty, devotion, love and respect. There are many other places to visit in India, the cities i am visited are not all about India. India is a big country having number of beautiful cities. I love India very much....Hope you enjoyed it.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Best Tourist Places Shimla India

Best Tourist Attractions In Shimla.

Shimla is capital of Himachal Pradesh, is one of the best tourist place in India. Shimla is a very beautiful and lovely hill station. There are various tourist attractions in Shimla, The various tourist attractions in Shimla Gothic Christ Church, St. Andrew's Church, Scandal Point, Kali Bari Temple, Jakhoo Hill and Gaiety Theatre.

Gothic Christ Church

The Gothic church of Christ is located on the prominent Ridge Shimla. The first foundation stone was laid on 9 September 1844 and the church was on 10 Inaugurated in January 1857. Today the church has some interesting memorials, while the banks nor the seat of the British Viceroy of India, the Commander-in-Chief and the Punjab Governor Mark.

Kali Bari Temple

The Kali Bari Temple is one of the oldest temples in the vicinity of the Mall, Shimla. This temple was founded in 1845 by Ram Charan Bharamachari, a Bengali Brahmin. The temple is held in high veneration by the City Hindu community and is dedicated to the Goddess Kali and Goddess Shayamla. A black marble image occupies the central position in the Holy of Holies and stone carvings of painted tin, looking at the pictures, which are flanked by excavations in the temple of the original site on the slopes of the hill Jakhoo.

Jakhoo Hill

The highest point in Shimla is the Jakhoo Hill. This Jakhoo Hill offers a spectacular view over the city, the hills and distant mountain ranges. The summit is a temple of Lord Hanuman.

Scandal Point

Scandal Point is the hub of social life in Shimla and should be so, after a British commander-in-Chief's daughter named blown from the site with the Maharaja of Patiala.

Mall Road

The Mall is the largest shopping center with restaurants of Shimla. The Gaiety Theatre, which is a reproduction of an old British theater is a center of cultural activities. A passenger lift of HPTDC can from the Cart Road and the Mall will be taken. Lakkar Bazaar is next to the Ridge for its popular wood .

State Museum
State Museum has a collection of ancient historical sculptures and paintings of Himachal Pradesh. The visiting hours are 10 AM to 5 PM and it is closed on Mondays and gazetted holidays.
Indian Institute of Advanced Studies
Indian Institute of Advanced Studies is a magnificent English renaissance structure. This institute was the former Viceregal Lodge. The meadows and forests are added attractions.
Prospect Hill
Prospect Hill is a temple of Kamna Devi and only 15 minutes walk from Shimla to Bilaspur Boileauganj crowned road. The hill offers a spectacular view of the surroundings.
Summerhill is a picturesque Kalka Shimla outstanding on-line. This place offers shady walks in quiet surroundings. The father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi during his visit to Shimla lived in the elegant Georgian House of Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur.
If Chadwick
Chadwick Falls is surrounded by dense forests and is located about 45 minutes walk from Summer Hill Chowk.
Sankat Mochan
On Shimla Kalka road is famous "Lord Hanuman" temple. It commands an excellent view of Shimla town.
Fagu is situated on the Hindustan-Tibet road. It has a lovely view.

Narkanda on the Hindustan Tibet road village, offering spectacular views of the snow ranges. An uphill trek through Deodar woods leads to Hatu peak. Ancient temple of Mata Hatu lives with skiers. In winter, short skiing courses are organized.

Kotgarh is a passable, bifurcation from Narkanda. Kotgarh is the land of apples and apricots.

Rampur is located on the Hindustan Tibet Road. Once the capital of the Princely State Bushahr, the city on the banks of the river Satluj, Big Commercial Centre and famous International Lavi fare which is held in November each year Dumgir Buddhist Temple, Padam Palace, Raghunath Temple, Temple and Ayodhya Narsingh Temple are worth a visit.
Sarahan is situated on the Hindustan Tibet Road from Jeori. Sarahan is about 17 km. away with spectacular views of Srikhand area. Sarahan has the majestic temple Bhimkali. Saharan is the gateway to Kinnaur. A Pheasant Breading Centre and stadium are worth visiting.
Seat of the erstwhile princely state has a superbly maintained Palace Jubbal, which was developed by a French architect in the 1930s, and is remarkable mix of European and indigenous species.

Hatkoti is famous for ancient temple of Mata Hateswari amidst the rice fields on the right bank of the river Pabber.

Mashobra by thick forests and offers ideal walks offered. Goddess Durga temple is worth seeing.
Craig Nano
Craig Nano is an ideal picnic spot with lawns and gardens.
Naldehra is a nine-hole golf course. It was by the British viceroy Lord Curzon, so from this place, he gave his daughter Alexandra, Naldehra as her second name was designed to delight. Ancient Nag temple is also located here.
Tattapani has thermal springs with sulfur. Hindu temples and Shiv Goofa at Saraur (4 km) are worth seeing places near Tattapani.
Chindi is a beautiful place in Karsog Valley. You can also visit the Temple of Mahunag. Mamleshwar Mahadev Temple, Devi Temple Kamaksha, Pangna Killa / temple and Shikari Devi Temple.

Shimla is a very beautiful place. This city is known for it's Hilly Area. Do visit to Shimla and visit this places, It will be a sweet pleasure.

Friday 17 August 2012